We're adding new features and content to our site throughout 2025. Stay tuned!!
Check out our social media posts for the latest on our public events
We're adding new features and content to our site throughout 2025. Stay tuned!! Check out our social media posts for the latest on our public events
Promoting Falconry with Raptor Education and Encounters.
We tailor our Raptor Encounters to meet the needs of your group learning about falconry. Whether it be a birthday party, school group, wedding or other special event. Check out some of our ideas here and contact us for more information about how we can enhance your event and learn about falconry.
Our raptor ambassadors are a great addition to a day out exploring about falconry, a special gift for someone or as a special something for a wedding to name a few. These encounters are filled with education, wonder, and will make memories that last a lifetime about falconry.
One of our main goals is to educate, inspire, and help instill knowledge about the natural world around us in those we meet. The addition of the Falconer to your school event can help inspire students in their learning of the natural world by engaging with our raptor ambassadors and learning about the art of falconry.
Photography takes practice. Use our birds as a great subject to get that perfect shoot while you learn about falconry. Book a private or group photography session at The Falconer.
If you want to add something special to your event, host your group here at our location and include a personalized Raptor experience for your guests.
Learn about what is involved in the process to become a falconer. We discuss animal husbandry, training and all aspects of what it takes to become a practitioner of this nearly 5000-year-old heritage sport.